Glazing and the Glass You Use for It-Part N

Part N is the section on glazing in the National Building Regulations & Building Standards Act and is short and reasonably sweet.
Essentially you need to be sure that any material used for glazing in buildings is secure and durable and that it is fixed so that it:
- safely sustains wind actions that one would normally expect wherever you live in South Africa (but not necessarily major hurricanes or tornadoes that might be experienced in other parts of the world),
- does not allow water to penetrate the interior of the building, and
- is obvious to anyone who approaches it (if it isn’t, people could walk right into the glass and be injured, particularly if it is completely transparent and not made of “safety glass”).
Of course it isn’t only glass that we use for glazing. There are also a number of plastic and polycarbonate materials, as well as organically-coated glass, which can be used.
When it comes to choosing the best type of glazing for the job, the essential aspect is to make sure that if someone (or an animal) does impact the glazing – or collide with it, they won’t be seriously hurt. Factors to take into account include:
- the position of the glazing,
- the number of people who are likely to be able to access the glazed door or window, and
- the probably behaviour patterns of anyone (or anything) that is likely to get close to the glazed area.
And ultimately, as long as the glazing material is selected, fixed and marked in accordance with SABS 10400-N, all should be well and legal… and safe for all concerned.
NBR Changes that Relate to Glazing
The “new” National Building Regulations are a lot more specific in terms of glazing installations than they were previously. Not only is the maximum pane area and glass thickness specified, but so too are the different types of glass. These are:
- monolithic annealed glass,
- patterned annealed and wired glass,
- laminated annealed safety glass,
- toughened safety glass.
In addition to this, glass must also comply with the relevant SANS, as must the method of fitting the glass or alternative material used for glazing.
Just be aware that whether you are glazing doors, windows, shower cubicles, shop-fronts or anything else, glazing MUST comply with SANS 10400-N as well as other standards that relate to the manufacture of glazing materials.
Construction Standards of Glazing
The SABS also has a strategic policy that relates to glazing in buildings. The reason for this is to standardize glazing in buildings in terms of:
- terminology (so that we all understand exactly what the regulations mean and relate to),
- performance requirements,
- various methods of calculation,
- design and construction guidelines,
- the classification and specification of materials (including dimensional properties).
To this end, the SABS has a sub-committee that specifically develops, maintains and co-ordinates standards in the field of glazing materials that are used in buildings. The committee’s responsibility is to:
- develop national standards,
- participate in the development of standards (getting votes, comment and so on),
- develop and review the programme of work,
- recommend what else needs to be done to ensure that the South African standards stay on track with international standards.
At the end of the day, the safety of users and installers is paramount.
Here is a drawing from the Standard that provides guidance

Hi just wane know is there any way to download SANS XA complete draft download with all fenestration, R and U values details/tabels, glazing etc detail. I do have the first part of XA but there is a part that i dont have and i need it as i cant submit any building plans if i dont have standards.
Thanks cheers
Hi Andrew, unfortunately not. PART X: Environmental Sustainability and Part XA: Energy Usage in Buildings were added to the new SANS and you can only get it from the SABS:
It costs R134 + VAT
If you don’t want to buy it, I suggest you go into your closest SABS office library and ask to see the Standard. You can make notes and they may be willing to photostat a couple of pages for you.
Good luck
Hi, I live in a body corporate. One of our owners has terrible problems with his wooden windows. They are old and rotten, water and wind comes through often damaging carpets etc. This owner wishes to replace these meranti windows with bronze colored aluminium ones all at his own cost. Does he need approval from the municipality to do this? We have contacted 2 different members and one says yes and the other says no. Can you advise? Thanks Brenda
Hello Brenda. Providing the windows can be removed and replaced without major structural issues – e.g. walls don’t have to be removed to refit the frames – then there is absolutely no need to have approval from the local authority (municipality).
I would just like to know what the requirements pertaining to balustrading (alluminium) are according to the NBR, and what are the requirements according to the NBR regarding glass balustrades as well.
Thank you
p.s. urgent!!
Hi Steven, I have added info relating to stairways and balustrades which you might find useful.
In addition to this, design requirements are also important i.e. as in structural design (SANS 10400 Part B). In fact design requirements are paramount and anyone designing balustrading should know what the requirements are. Then there are also SANS that relate to aluminium specs i.e. the metal itself. Specs in terms of “glass balustrades” will relate directly to the glass used.
In all instances the requirements relate to safety.
In terms of glazing, thickness and glass type will relate directly to the maximum glass area used for the balustrade. You can source this info from SANS 10400 Part N Glazing.
If I can help further let me know.
I am planning to build a new home and have been told all new houses need to be fitted with double glazed windows etc.
Charles I doubt it, though there are two completely new section to the building regulations. I will check them out when I get a moment, but for your information they are Part X: Environmental sustainability, and Part XA: Energy usage in buildings. My guess is that there will be certain circumstances that require double glazing, but not ALL new houses.
Hi, I am very confused about the double glazing. My architect informed me that according to new building laws I have to have to have double glazing on all doors & windows but I spoke to someone who is building a house who had his plans passed three months ago & he has no double glazing? As double glazing would impact oquite substantially on my budget could you please provide more info in this regard. Thank you for a very informative website.
Hi Penny
Where do I obtain the standards pertaining to steel window frame sizes and specifications?
Thanks Barry
We are starting a new venture and need to offer trianing on the legislation governing glass and glass installation (e.g., shower doors must open outwards, patio door glass must be toughened etc…).
Where can I find this information?
I want to install a 2 hour fire rated door for internal office with a georgian wired glass,but I want the receptionist to see who is at the door before she opens, can I install a bigger size more than 100 mm x 300 mm?
The manufacturer should be able to advise. Alternatively contact the SABS for advice. will give you a bit more info about glass as it is covered by the NBR.There are probably a bunch of other standards that you will be able to find if you go to your nearest SABS library. They are usually incredibly helpful.
The SABS controls all national standards and specifications. SANS 727:2003 covers windows and doors made from rolled mild steel sections. The standard will be reaffirmed in 2014 – so is valid until then. I am not familiar with the content of this standard, and don’t know whether it lists standard sizes. Andre Grobbelaar’s book Building Construction & Graphic Standards has several pages of drawings with measurements which he has accessed from the trade. You might find this book in a library. It was originally published in 1993, so I cannot vouch how reliable it is. Alternatively contact manufacturers or resellers for information about sizes.
Kim I need to do some research on this one, but I doubt that double glazing is an enforceable design factor because as you say, it impacts on quite dramatically on price. There is probably something in the new Part X of SANS 10400, Environmental Sustainability, which I will be purchasing in the very near future, which RECOMMENDS double glazing. It may also be mentioned in the new Part XA, Energy Usage in Buildings. SANS 204 also provides guidelines and options on how to achieve energy efficiency in buildings, and I am sure discusses the merits of double glazing.
I found this comment on another website, which indicates that double glazing is an option, certainly not a legal requirement! “As a rule, good design in terms of energy efficiency (as per SANS 204) will prevent the need to add potentially expensive measures, ie double glazing to large south facing windows (where a huge amount of heat loss would occur) or extra shading to west facing windows (which would otherwise cause the house to overheat), in order to meet the minimum requirements.”
Good day,
My mom- a pensioner “built” a new house. I think -The glazing is not properly sealed. It always allows rain water in, when the wind blows they make a sound & she paid handsomely for them. We are struggling to get the installer to come through and fix the mess he made.
Please advise on what steps can be taken for such a case.
Kim, Your mother should write a letter to the installer – or send an email – putting him to terms. List the complaints and say that if it is not rectified within seven days she will take legal action. Apart from anything else, the “new” Consumer Protection Act affords her substantial rights. Unfortunately though she will have to consult an attorney – if only to get he/she to write a letter of demand to the installer. This often works. Good luck.
What is the minimum thickness required for domestic glazing to comply with SAGGA standards?I live in Bedfordview.
There are various specs for glazing, depending on the square meterage of the glass, its position etc. But the standards you need to comply with are those set down by the SABS. These might be the same as SAGGA’s; I haven’t done a comparison. A good glass company will be able to give you the correct info. The City of Jhb may also have the info readily available.
My personal opinion is that you should always over specify, since accidents with glazing can cause a good deal of pain and suffering. A few years ago my daughter put her hand through a glass door (by mistake) and the glass sliced an artery. I wouldn’t like anyone to have to live through that kind of ordeal. The property was leased; and the glass was NOT up to spec. In retrospect we should have sued the landlord.
What does the regulations require as far as glazing of windows in premises that are going to be used as a nursery school
The regulations don’t have specific glazing regulations for different types of buildings. But you would definitely need safety glass.
We are finalising plans for a new home and the builder/architect says that we are no by law limited to install max 15% of the floor area as glazing. And if it is more thna this then it must be double glazing.
So now we are installing tiny little windows in bathrooms so as to have a decent size window in our living room. And have to install roof-lites – to get light in, and additional extractor fans. All these take more electricity and the reason for the less windows it to save electricity by retaining heat in winter!!
Is this true? Most SA houses have about 30 to 40% floor area in windows?
Apparently a new European standard that is now law in SA.
We are building in Fourways, Johannesburg
Mel the new section on energy usage Part X and XA deals with this and I haven’t familiarized myself with it at all. There is also a lot of confusion, with companies offering workshops to educate etc. There may also be references to European standards that have to be met. Most of the SANS cross reference both international and local SANS. The draft standard – Energy in Buildings – and a document relating to “fenestration” calculations can both be downloaded HERE.
Please advise on the regulation applicalbe for the type of glazing
required in cottage pane sliding sash windows.
I have just moved into a rented property and need clarification on
glazing requirements. All the sliding doors have safety glass, but
what does concern me is that none of windows, waist level and lower
have safety glass.
I have children and this is a double story house.
Please urgently send me an answer and a reference that I can forward
to agent or landlord.
I’m looking for the regulations that govern glass and the installation
of glass (e.g., shower doors must open outwards, patio doors must have
toughened glass etc…).
Where would I find these regulations?
Hi Jonathan,
If you have a look at our page on “Glazing” you will find a few guidelines for what you need. For more detailed information and to purchase the relevant section you can go to our SABS-Contact page where you will find all the numbers countrywide.
From what I understand, windowglass cannot exceed 15% of netto area,
we want to put in sliding doors, if exceeding the 15% can one use
E-glass, or does the 15% includes e-glass and normal glass for area
Apologies for the delay in responding to your query Carol; we had a glitch on the site in terms of general “Contact Us” queries. However it is important for you to know that when SANS 10400: Part N Glazing was updated (2012) the requirements for safety glazing were one issue that was addressed – and several amendments were made.
First of all, all “safety glazing material” must comply with the requirements of SANS 1263-1, and individual panes of safety glazing must be PERMANENTLY marked by the installer so that the markings are visible after installation.
Safety glazing materials must be used where [and these are amendments to the Standard, so may not have been complied with if the glazing was installed prior to 2012]:
“1. doors and sidelights form part of any entrance up to 2 100 mm from finished floor level;
2. a window has a sill height of less than 500 mm from the floor or external ground level;
3. a window has a sill height of less than 800 mm from the floor or external ground level without any permanent barrier that prevents persons from coming into contact with the glass panel, and is so placed that persons are likely, on normal traffic routes, to move directly towards such window; (NOTE A barrier could be any feature, i.e. a heavy bar across a window, or a flower box placed in front of the window, that will provide a physical or visual barrier between the glass and a person.)
4. a bath enclosure or shower cubicle is glazed, or where glazing occurs immediately above and within a distance of 1 800 mm horizontally or vertically from a bath or shower;
5. glazing is used in any wall or balustrade to (or immediately adjacent to) a stairway, ramp, landing, pathway, patio, veranda or balcony;
6. glazing is used within 1 800 mm of the pitch line of a stairway or the surface of a ramp, landing, pathway, patio, veranda or balcony;
7. glazing is used in internal partitions, which are within 2 100 mm of floor level.”
There are a few other requirements, but they won’t apply to your situation.
The Standard also specifies (amongst other things) the maximum pane size and nominal glass thickness for the different types of glass used for exterior doors and windows: “Dimensions for vertical glass supported by a frame on all sides in external walls in buildings where the height measured from the ground to the top of” the “wall does not exceed 10 m.
Maximum pane area (nominal glass thickness in brackets)
Laminated annealed safety glass: 2,9 (6 mm), 4,3 (8 mm), 5,7 (10 mm or 12 mm)
Toughened safety glass: 1,9 (4 mm), 3,0 (5 mm), 4,5 (6 mm), 8,0 (8 mm, 10 mm or 12 mm)
I have added a drawing from the Standard that shows very clearly what the safety glazing requirements are for exterior doors and windows.
Hi everyone.
I am looking for the regulation that defines whether a western facing window needs to be sandblasted or covered. I have a double storey house with a large western facing window above the entrance but it is covered by the entrance roof. Does it need to be sand blasted???
Thanks in advance!
The regulations are not this definitive. If someone is trying to persuade you that the regs say it must be sandblasted … ignore… if your wife wants you to have it sandblasted … you might want to do it. But it isn’t law. Though do realize that if it is a bathroom window it should be opaque … your wife will appreciate this!
Valmarie, The new Part X – Environmental sustainability – and XA – Energy usage in buildings – deals with fenestration [defined as any glazed opening in a building envelope, including windows, doors and skylights].
This Part of SANS 10400 has a section on fenestration that states:
1. Buildings with up to 15 % fenestration area to nett floor area per storey comply with the minimum energy performance requirements.
2. Buildings with a fenestration area to nett floor area per storey that exceeds 15 % shall comply with the requirements for fenestration in accordance with SANS 204.
So the percentage relates to all forms of fenestration, including both doors and windows. And it doesn’t say you CAN’T have more than 15% – just that if you do you must do it correctly in accordance with the Standard (SANS 204).
SANS 204 doesn’t only look at the glass used, it also considered the orientation of the house and other factors, and is rather technical.
Amongst other things, there is a table that gives the “worst-case whole glazing element performance values” for different types of glass in relation to the type of framing e.g. aluminum and steel vs timber, PVCu, aluminum “thermal break” framing.
The Standard states: “With glazing, this standard requires that total U-values and SHGCs shall be assessed for the combined effect of the glass and frame. The measurement of these total U-values and SHGCs are specified in the guidelines of the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC).
The method used in this standard is based on the system performance of glazing being assessed in accordance with NFRC 100 conditions.”
You can get the necessary info from manufacturers and suppliers, but it is essential that the info (particularly the U- and SHGC-values) are for both the glass and frame combined.
Be advised that your best approach will be to get a competent person to help you.
Laurinda I suggest you contact a reputable manufacturer and/or installer. The new Part X:Environmental sustainability & Part XA: Energy usage in buildings deals with fenestration [fenestration = “any glazed opening in a building envelope, including windows, doors and skylights” & fenestration area = “area that includes glazing and framing elements that are fixed or movable, and opaque, translucent or transparent”] and cross-references SANS 204: 2011 Energy efficiency in buildings, which deals with different types of glass in relation to the new energy efficiency requirements. It isn’t simply the type of glass you should use, but also the orientation of the building and % of glazing included. Not as simple as it used to be when nobody cared much about energy efficiency issues.
I built my home in july 2002. I have French cottage pane doors which
open onto a patio. At the time i got a reputable glazing company to do
the entire glazing job at my home. This they did and i paid them
accordingly. I have now been asked by the municipality to supply a
glazing certificate, which i honestly dont recall receiving. What
where the glazing regulations in place in 2002? I believe you now
require safety glass which may not have been installed originally. Can
you advise what i should do as it seems quite an expensive excercise
to have to put in safety glass when i have been living here without
incident for 11 years
Howard, first of all there is nothing in the current (NEW) SANS 10400, Part N Glazing that mentions any type of certificate. The new Part A General principles and Requirements which waas published in 2010 has a form that the appointed competent person is required to fill in. The section on glazing asks these questions, to which they reply Yes or No:
“The type and fixing of glazing is in accordance with
SANS 10400-B [which is Structural Design]
the detail requirements of SANS 10400-N
The selection of the glazing is in accordance with the detailed requirements of SANS 10400-N”
NOTHING about certificates. But there may be something in the municipal by-laws that requires a certificate. If they didn’t ask for it then, I agree with you that they can’t ask for it retrospectively. Presumably they gave you an occupancy certificate? In which case they approved the building. Fullstop.
And yes the new regs do require safety glass in cottage pane doors, as you will see from the drawing on this page.
The new Building Regulations came into effect in 2008 (progressively until last year – as I say above, Glazing was only published in 2010). Until then all the SANS (previously published as South African National Standard SABS 0400-1990) were regarded as the applicable Code of Practice for compliance with the NBR. I have given you the link to download these. NB They are available free from this website and from the SABS. You are required to purchase the new regs.
You will see in the old document that safety glass is a requirement in certain instances, see pages 96-99. Doors, specifically are referred to on page 96. “Any pane of glass installed in any door shall, where not made of safety glass, be not more than 1 m2 in area and shall have a nominal thickness of not less than 6 mm”. I doubt that cottage panes would be more than 1 m2 – no idea what thickness would have been used. But for the municipality to make any demands more than a decade after completion is ludicrous.
Good day.
I have made and disigned a aluminium stackable door system for patios and lapas.
It is an aluminim frame glazzed with 2mm Plexiglass,acrylic.What are the regulations if any for the use of arylics for glazzing.I have fitted it in my patio and have recieved alot of intrest in it.If I would start to manufacture and fit what regulations do I need to adhere to.
Please could you help or send me in right direction to move forward.
Regards Terry
Hi Terry,
You will have to contact the SABS and have your product approved by them. As far as I know they will refer you to Agrement SA ( who will need samples to test and then issue you with a certificate before you can take the product to market. The SABS offices contact numbers are on this page:
Hi there
I just want to understand the regulations for when Low E glazing becomes a necessity when building a house. Is it not the owners decision on whether they want normal glass or Low E glass. Can the municipality insist on new buildings having Low E glazing and if so when did this regulation come into being and where can I read up on it?
Thanx, Mervin
I’ve been a glazer and sand blaster for about 15 years now and aluminium manufacturer for 10year but I don’t have a certificate. I now want to open my own company but don’t have a certificate.
How and where can I get the certificates necessary to be qualified as a glass glazer and aluminium manufacturer.
Hi Mervin,
The new regulation that you are referring to is a new part and was added to SANS 10400 in 2011, Part X deals with environmental sustainability, and Part XA deals with energy usage in buildings. You do not have to use Low E glazing, BUT your building must conform to the new Energy Usage regulations. You can read more here: energy-usage If you need any assistance with your calculations you can contact John Crook at and 073 144 2600 or visit his website
Hi Thando,
Agrément SA, part of the Department of Public Works, is the body that issues certificates for construction materials and manufacturers. You can find all the info you need on their website here: Agrément SA
My own experience is different; unfortunately some officials do not care whether there are historic issues and whether the building does or does not conform to these. A friend of mine recently sold her house in Howick and the Municipality refused to issue her with what she needed to finalize the sale until she had a glaziers report. Luckily her home complied and no additional cost had to be incurred other than the report itself.
Unfortunately their standard answer is “you are welcome to take us to court”, but this is not a reality when a sale is reliant on their approval.
My experience with Howick was the pits 🙁
When my mom sold her house in Howick a couple of years ago the municipality planning office did not have plans on file any more as they had lost them when the municipality offices moved. My mother had to have the plans redone from scratch at her own expense. Lack of caring by public servants for the people who pay their salaries is inexcusable.
We are about to open a retail store with street front access in Cape Town CBD. We have just been told that our glazing may be illegal – it’s standard 6mm non-safety glass, only one or two of the 6 or so 3m x 2m panes is even laminated.
Are there any legal stipulations for glazing in retail space? And if so, would our store be in contravention of these rules?
Steve the National Building Regulations apply to all glazing. There are tables in SANS 10400 Part N, Glazing that state nominal pane thickness in relation to maximum pane area and type of glass.
If it is vertical glass that is supported by a frame on all sides in an external wall of the building, where the height measured from the ground to the top of such wall does not exceed 10 m, then it has to be monolithic annealed glass 10 mm thick; or toughened safety glass that is 8 mm thick.
The drawing on this page is taken from the regs and shows when safety glass is not required.
If someone falls through your glass – or walks into it and is injured – you could be sued.
I agree in part. But if a smash and grab safety film was applied, wouldnt this conform.
Gary I don’t think so. It is not even mentioned in the regulations! My understanding is that it could be used in addition to the correct type of glass as an added safety factor.
Glass Panel breakage
As part of an extension to the first floor of our house we had a new oak staircase fitted and this included six glass infill panels. The work was carried out by Hallmark Glass and Glazing Ltd of 49 Potters Field, Harlow CM17 9BZ in July 2011 (Tel No. 01279 410304). Our problem is that this morning
the long glass panel going up the stairs exploded and shattered, causing considerable shock, from which I have hardly recovered. I got in touch with Hallmark and they maintain that the work is outside
their warranty period and there is nothing they can do. My point to them is that glass doesn’t just break unless there is a fitting problem. I would be pleased to know from you where I stand on this and what action I can take against Hallmark. You advice would be greatly appreciated.
John Farrow (Tel: 01582 769975). We live in Hertfordshire.
Hi John, We would love to help you but I think we are a bit out of your area here in South Africa. I am sorry to hear of your dilemma and hope you find a solution.
My house has cottage pane glass windows. The putty was falling out and I asked the local glazing company to fix. They elected not to use putty again but used wooden strips, the job took 4 instead of 2 weeks, I had contacted them as the work was done vey poorly, the owner apologised and sent other workers to fix. The work looks much better, but I now find that in most places they did not seal the windows and when sprinkling the garden the water enters the house. Is there a standard that has to be adhered to regarding sealing the windows?
In terms of the new Energy Requirements for Residential Buildings in South Africa, is their a regulation in the National Building Regs that says that if you design a Residential Building your Glazing section, ie Windows and Glass doors where the total area of glass must not exceed 15% of the nett floor area of the building, if not it does not meet the Energy code?
Hi Peter, Correct, it is the new SANS 10400X & XA. We have given a brief rundown to help explain the situation on this page here: energy-usage Since 2011 when the new regulation was set, architects have been attending courses to get to understand the new regulations, most by now will have applications that do the calculations for them as well. If there is a specific problem that you have then you should get your local building inspector to give a ruling so that plans are not rejected when you submit them.
I have recently updated my building plans to an As Built status and have had them approved. I then receive a letter informing me that I have to produce a glazing certificate and a soil certificate for a house which is 30 years old and has not had a single structural change or addition. Please advise
Andy my guess is that because the plans are “new” they consider that they must comply with certain things, including the new XA regulations. Which in turns makes me think that somebody is being stupid! I suggest you go into your local council and discuss the problem and insist that they waive this requirement. Clearly your glazing is not going to comply! Good luck, let us know what happens.
Rudi that’s just plain bad workmanship. They should have used a silicone or some other kind of sealer in the gaps before fixing the strips. Tell them to come back and redo it – and give them seven days to do so. Put it in writing. Say otherwise they must refund your money. While you probably don’t want to get nasty, explain that you can’t continue to pay for shoddy workmanship – you could threaten legal action or going to Hellopeter if they don’t oblige.
In terms of standards, SABS standards generally cover products rather than procedure when it comes to minor things like this. There may though be a standard. Call an SABS library and ask them to check for you. It is not part of the NBR.
Hi could someone please assist me, a client of ours requires stainless steel and glass balustrades for ther balconies,indoor staircase etc. Please could you let me know what the exact requirements are for the thickness of toughened glass, height etc?
They are also looking at the stainless steel with horizontal cross bars option. How many cross bars are required and what is the maximum gap allowed between these bars?
I have contacted balustrade specialists but have had very different answers. Any input would be greatly appreciated?
Nick the specifications for balustrades are detail in Part M of SANS 10400, Stairways. It is fairly comprehensively covered in the link given here. Glazing requirements are specified in Part N of SANS 10400, Glazing. In terms of balustrades, the latter states that “Safety glazing materials that comply with SANS 1263-1 shall be used where … f) glazing is used in any wall or balustrade to (or immediately adjacent to) a stairway, ramp, landing, pathway, patio, veranda or balcony;”
“4.4.4 Glass in balustrades shall be toughened safety glass unless rigidly supported on all sides. Glazing material in balustrades is subject to the impact and line loads determined in accordance with the requirements of SANS 10160-2.”
If you are supplying balustrades for clients, I suggest you buy both these parts of SANS 10400.
Good day
Please can you confirm whether a coated low e 6.38mm laminated safety glass can be glazed into a standard wooden frame with the the coated side facing inside or facing outside,are both options compliant? There is a sticker currently stating which side is the coated side but asking to confirm with the architect as to which way it must be fitted
Wayne I suggest you contact a reputable company like PG Glass and ask them, and/or contact the SABS.
Our window installer for our new house has finished his work. He sent the glazing cerrtificate to the builder who has left site. For some reason the glazer refuses to issue us a second one (or even a copy!).
It seems I will need someone else to verify his work but lots of glazers aren’t willing to do so. Is there a way to compel the original glazer to issue or failing that, who would be able to verify other peoples work?
Hi Wayne
6.38 will normally fit in wooden frames if the rebate allows you to do so.
The low-E should be on the inside and not on the outside.
The glass suppliers normally indicate the non-coated side with a sticker.
There are testers to check the coated side of the Low-E.
Could someone confirm whether glass windows that are under-spec for their size in an office environment need to be replaced with legal spec glass automatically or only when replacing the glass if broken.
We recently built a house however during the construction the 1st glazier when bust and closed down, we then appointed another company to fix the work and complete remaining. Guess what they also went bust !!!
So whilst our lawyers are busy suing these companies (KIC glass and Urban Aluminium) we need a glazing certificate for our CoC.
IS there anyway we can get this from anther company? And what would the cost be?
We need advice please! We are building a 2 bedroom cottage, extending the garage with 2 bedrooms and a bathroom. Our plans has been approved by council and received from architect but it states that all windows to be installed must be low e. Do we have to install all of the windows low e as it turns out to be very expensive. There is going to be a gas stove and gas heaters installed. Please help.
Eugene, thanks for the input it is appreciated.
As you say it is a legal matter, if anyone were to be injured for any reason or of the glass were to accidentally break the as it is not legal then the insurance you have might not cover your damages. The best would be to contact your insurance.
I am building a new house in yhe roodepoort district. We are forced to do low e glass. Is this regulation or can we just comply with the normal requirements set out above ?
I am in desperate need of assistance. K am building in the roodepoort area. I am rold that I have to use low e glass on all windows and doors being fitted. Can someone please assist wether or not if there is a definite ruling on low e glass and wether or not I can use normal glass
Carel, Following my email sent to you earlier, I have been chatting to an architect in Jhb who confirms my thoughts that both SANS 10400 XA and SANS 204 are both very difficult to implement. Just a thought – he said in conversation that you can only determine which glass is required once you do the fenestration calculations. Whoever drew up your plans should have done these so that the correct glass could be specified in terms of the new energy regulations. He also said that they generally considered low e glass to be the minimum spec to be used; but he was unable to say where this is stated in the NBR (I know that it isn’t). I’ll do a bit more digging and maybe do an article on low e glass for the web site.
Carel this section of the regs doesn’t take the new energy requirements into account. Both are relevant.
I imagine that the person/company that did the glazing has a moral responsibility at very least to supply you with the certificate required. Any glazing company would be able to verify the materials etc but I think they would want to be paid to do this.
No idea about cost – but another company should be able to assist.
Is this a spec from the architect or local authority, because there are other options that are acceptable in terms of the NBR. Which area is this in?
Thanks to get that information
I am in that position as we speak the manufacture he want to sell the certificate for R855 mind you he the one made those Windows.
hi there
we have a complex of 13 units which was built in 2007 …all the balconies face North but now suddenly two of the units glass doors and panel next to the doors opening to the balconies are starting to crack. I dont know how to describe the cracks but it looks like somebody has drawn curvy lines only on the bottom halves of the glass. I do remember that the plan approval could only happen if the correct glass was specified. Unfortunately the architect left our country in the meantime. I am sure the correct glass was used, but this curvy cracks are really upsetting. Will it crack totally, maybe injure a tenant?
any suggestion to what i should do please? Can i have it tested to see what kind of glass it is? Do i have to replace it asap ? why only does it start cracking at the bottom?
The glass that was specified should be on the approved plans. But you probably need to contact a senior person at a company that specialises in glass and see what possible explanation there could be. I think it would be wise in any case to replace the glass. I doubt that there would be any form of guarantee on it this after nine years. But rather replace the glass than risk tenants being injured.